Sustainable tourism policy

Sustainable Tourism Policy

The Comfenalco Valle Delagente Family Compensation Fund and its hotels share this information with you and your companions with the aim of promoting the good deeds and commitments that the Sectoral Technical Standards define for accommodation spaces in Colombia.

We hope you have a happy stay at our hotel, and that here you can learn about the value of Sustainable Tourism oriented to practices of care and preservation of our environment.

We are part of Delagente, we are part of the care and conservation of our resources.

Aware of the importance of maintaining sustainable tourism development in the hotels of Comfenalco Valle Delagente, we are committed to providing services that meet the requirements of our stakeholders, legal provisions and the standards of the hotel and tourism sector, as well as the use in a manner sustainable use of the natural, sociocultural and economic resources necessary for our activity.

We are committed to continuously improve our processes in order to mitigate any negative impact and raise awareness among our employees about the principles of sustainable tourism.

We have a commitment to the preservation and protection of the region's heritage, promoting the tourist destinations where our hotels are located, preserving traditions and promoting the rights and duties of collaborators, suppliers, clients and guests, guaranteeing an efficient, friendly and personalized.

We reject the sexual and commercial exploitation of Boys, Girls and Adolescents (ESCNNA), any method of child labor exploitation and the different forms of discrimination, working together with the competent authorities to prevent these acts and denounce any case that arises.

Sustainable Tourism Directory

AF Logo Comunidades Delagente

Find out about the events we hold with the communities surrounding our hotels.

Learn more about our Hotels

National Tourism Registry

Promotion of Tourist Destinations

National Tourism Registry

Promotion of Tourist Destinations

National Tourism Registry

Promotion of Tourist Destinations

Our environmental management program