special add-on plan

What is the Special Supplementary Plan?

It is a modality of individual or collective contracting that gives you comparative advantages of access to a differential care network with greater coverage and benefits that expand the services of the POS Compulsory Health Plan.

  • Extensive experience in providing excellent quality health services.
  • Easy access and simplicity in administrative procedures.
  • Innovative technology, with proven cost-effective evidence that ensures the care process, generating perceived value in signing up for additional plans.
  • Non-payment of bonuses and partial coverage of the moderator fee.
  • Coverage of the co-payment that the beneficiary must pay for non-pre-existing events.
  • Discounts for periodicity in payments.
  • Various forms and channels of payment.
  • Access to the services of your Plan, only presenting your identification document.
  • For your affiliation you will receive the membership card that accredits you as an affiliate and will allow you to access healthy benefits.

* Extensive experience in providing excellent quality health services.

  • Access to specialties without referral: general practitioner, internist, family practitioner and pediatrician.
  • Direct access to: Promotion and Prevention Programs, Oral Health, Gynecology, Obstetrics, Psychology, Optometry, Urology and Orthopedics.
  • Other subspecialties with remission in the first assessment.
  • Complementary medicine after referral from the personal doctor (one consultation and one control).
  • Wide differential network of professionals strategically located in different sectors of the city.
  • Telephone assignment of medical appointments (general and specialized medicine according to direct access).
  • Coverage for the family group, according to individual relationship.
  • Coverage of the newborn during the first 30 days and its inclusion in the Special Complementary Plan, maintaining the seniority of the mother enrolled in the Plan.
  • 24-hour telephone medical guidance 4853530 option 4 appointments, then option 2 complementary plan and then option 3, or direct line 6531313, from the beginning of the contract for priority appointments, emergency care, recommendations at home and home doctor when the state of the patient warrants it, prior evaluation and authorization of the professional of the 24-hour emergency guidance line. In addition, land ambulance within the urban perimeter, if the patient's pathology requires transfer, prior authorization from the EPS
  • Individual room in case of hospitalization and surgery in the network of contracted institutions with differential care.
  • EPS Comfenalco Valle has developed its own health infrastructure and a service provision network that makes it possible to provide care with efficiency and opportunity, through its own IPS and IPS registered for our members of the Special Supplementary Plan.
  • We have an agreement with renowned private and public IPS such as accredited hospitals and clinics in the city (individual room), a representative number of affiliated medical specialists, as well as different locations and points for medication delivery.
Through this means, as a user of the individual complementary plan, you sign an authorization so that the corresponding value of the complementary plan fees is debited from your bank account on a monthly basis.

If you are interested in using this service, we invite you to fill out the following form (See format) and send it by email to: renewomiplancomplementario@epscomfenalcovalle.com.co in this way the change in the form of payment of your contract will be legalized. Please note that, in order to make the automatic debit, the account must meet the following requirements:

1. The account must be in the name of the contract holder. 2. It must not be a shared account or a pension account. 3. The dates for the debit according to your choice are: 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 of each month.

They are the channels through which the different forms of payment can be collected.

The means of collection defined are: individual through checkbooks for payment in cash, in banks, check, credit or debit card and electronic and business transfers, the above except for checkbooks.

The banks authorized to collect the additional plan are:

  • Colpatria: It is an agreement through which Comfenalco Valle receives its collection at the Colpatria offices. Savings account 308700054-7.
  • PES
  • Automatic debit

At the beginning of the contract term

  • Personalized medical guidance for cases of hospitalization, surgery, diagnostic support and therapeutic complementation.
  • 24-hour emergency telephone medical guidance.
  • Outpatient consultation (general and specialized).
  • Professional care at home, when justified by the health of the member, the EPS medical service.
  • Means of diagnostic support and therapeutic complementation.
  • Individual psychotherapy treatment.
  • Prenatal controls.

From the 5th month in collective affiliation and from the 7th month in individual affiliation

  • Treatment of terminal illnesses through care at home and/or in intermediate care institutions.
  • Means of support and diagnosis and therapeutic complementation (III and IV level).

From the 6th month in collective affiliation and from the 8th month in individual affiliation

  • Treatment of diseases that require surgical management of group 8 and higher according to the manual of activities, interventions and procedures of the POS.
  • Psychiatric hospitalization.
  • Treatment for hospitalized patients in the Intensive Care Unit with stays of less than five (5) days.

From the 8th month in collective affiliation and from the 10th month in individual affiliation

  • Delivery care and caesarean section.

From the 11th month in collective affiliation and from the 13th month in individual affiliation

  • Chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment for cancer.
  • Artificial kidney and peritoneal dialysis on an outpatient basis for the treatment of reversible renal failure.
  • Surgical treatment for the patient with major trauma.
  • Treatments for patients hospitalized in the Intensive and/or Intermediate Care Unit with stays longer than five (5) days.
  • Surgical treatment for diseases of the heart and central nervous system.
  • Joint replacements.
  • Treatment of the great burn.

Comfenalco Valle Health Promotion Entity, will not assume the cost of medical and complementary services provided to an affiliate, even if they are provided by registered IPS, in the following cases:

  • Treatment for malformations and/or congenital anomalies and their sequelae (Covered by the Mandatory Health Plan, in accordance with current regulations).
  • Pre-existing diseases or malformations (covered by the Mandatory Health Plan, in accordance with current regulations).
  • Surgery and aesthetic or cosmetic treatments, as well as complications, procedures, interventions and medications derived from them, likewise plastic surgery to treat pre-existing conditions, with the exception of reconstructive surgery performed for the treatment of an injury originated after affiliation to the Special Complementary Plan.
  • Executive or similar medical check-ups.
  • Illnesses, accidents or treatments caused by the effect of alcohol or drugs - without a medical prescription (Covered by the Mandatory Health Plan, in accordance with current regulations).
  • Injuries caused by states of dementia, under conditions of mental alienation or by attempted suicide (Covered by the Compulsory Health Plan, in accordance with current regulations).
  • Treatment for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus “HIV”, or the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome “AIDS”, as well as the sequelae, recurrences and diseases caused by them (Covered by the Compulsory Health Plan, in accordance with current regulations).
  • Illnesses or accidents caused by catastrophes, such as: earthquakes, wars, strikes, kidnapping or public order commotion (Covered by the Mandatory Health Plan, in accordance with current regulations for these events).
  • Treatment or cures of rest or sleep and hospital treatment for chronic nervous or mental diseases. Psychoanalysis is also excluded (Covered by the Compulsory Health Plan, in accordance with current regulations for these events).
  • Accidents and occupational diseases.
  • Injuries from the practice of sports or highly dangerous activities, among which are: competitive motoring, boxing, hunting, bullfighting, wrestling, paragliding, skydiving and others considered highly dangerous (covered by the Mandatory Plan of Health, in accordance with current regulations).
  • Supply of items such as: pacemakers, valves, rings, vascular devices, trusses, crutches, wheelchairs, orthopedic devices or equipment, prostheses of any kind, hearing aids, artificial sphincters, cardioverter defibrillators, resynchronizers, allografts, CPAP, BPAP, mattresses, hospital beds, organs for transplants, elastic stockings, corsets or girdles, insoles and orthopedic shoes, colostomy bags, personal hygiene items, diapers, cosmetic items (Covered by the Compulsory Health Plan in accordance with current regulations ).
  • Supply of medicines for outpatient treatment (Covered by the Mandatory Health Plan, in accordance with current regulations for these events).
  • Dental treatments, orthodontics, rehabilitation, implantology, prosthetics, periodontics and dental procedures for aesthetic purposes (Covered by the Mandatory Health Plan, in accordance with current regulations for these events).
  • Study and treatment of fertility and artificial insemination.
  • Injuries caused in military service or by military practices (Covered by the Mandatory Health Plan, in accordance with current regulations).
  • Treatments or corrective procedures for conditions caused by visual refractive errors, implantation of intrastromal rings, provision of glasses, contact lenses or spectacle lenses and frames made of material other than glass or plastic with filters, colors or special films, as well as correction by medical or surgical treatment of astigmatism, myopia or hyperopia (Covered by the Mandatory Health Plan, in accordance with current regulations).
  • Genetic studies to determine paternity, innate metabolic diseases, diseases of genetic origin and/or with a hereditary component.
  • Irreversible comatose states (Covered by the Mandatory Health Plan, in accordance with current regulations).
  • Treatments or surgical interventions ordered by doctors not attached to the EPS Comfenalco Valle service network, except in urgent cases.
  • Treatment for non-reversible chronic renal failure (Covered by the Mandatory Health Plan, in accordance with current regulations) and organ transplantation (Covered by the Mandatory Health Plan, in accordance with current regulations). Accordion content
All medical services must be authorized through our Authorizations application. Enter here and request your services: www.comfenalcoeps.com

I want to join

Address: Race 8 # 6 – 38
Call the phone: (602) 485 3530, mark 2 option 2, for business guidance mark 3
Write to email: solicitudeseps@epscomfenalcovalle.com.co