Subsidy requirements and concepts

Subsidy requirements and concepts

Household subject to the family housing subsidy

A household is understood to be that made up of one or more people who make up the same family nucleus, spouses, de facto marital unions, including same-sex couples, and/or the group of people united by kinship ties up to the third degree. of consanguinity, second of affinity and first civil, who share the same living space.

Social Interest Housing – VIS

In accordance with the provisions of article 91 of Law 388 of 1997, social interest housing is that which is developed to guarantee the right to housing of lower-income households, which meets quality standards in urban, architectural and sustainable construction design, and whose value does not exceed one hundred and thirty-five current legal monthly minimum wages (135 SMMLV). Exceptionally, for urban agglomerations defined by the Conpes and whose population exceeds one million (1,000,000) inhabitants, the National Government may establish as the maximum price of social interest housing the sum of one hundred and fifty current legal monthly minimum wages (150 SMMLV). In the case of the municipalities that are part of said agglomerations, the value will apply only to those in which the national government demonstrates pressures on the value of the land, which generate difficulties in the provision of affordable housing. The maximum value of the Priority Interest Housing will be ninety current legal monthly minimum wages (90 SMMLV).

Requirements to request the family subsidy for social interest housing
  • Be a member of Comfenalco Valle Delagente and have formed a family group up to the third degree of consanguinity, second of affinity and first civil, or unipersonal.
  • That the income of the family group does not exceed four monthly legal minimum wages in force (4 SMLMV).
  • Not be the owner of a home in any part of the national territory, in the case of a subsidy for the acquisition of a new home and that at least one of the members of the family group is the owner of the lot or terrace, in the case of construction on their own site or of the home to which the home improvement will be applied.
  • That none of the members of the family group have acquired a home from the territorial credit institute or built a housing solution with the application of credits from said entity. Not having been a beneficiary of a family housing subsidy from INURBE, CAJA AGRARIA, FOCAFE, FOREC, FONVIVIENDA or CAJA DE COMPENSATION FAMILY.

Requirements for applying for the family housing subsidy

  • Application form duly completed and signed by the members that make up the household, with their socioeconomic information, indication of the head of the applying household and the person who, being part of the household, will replace them if they resign or die, and mention of the Fund Family Compensation and Severance Fund to which they are affiliated at the time of applying, if applicable.
  • Certificate or letter of approval or pre-approval of credit to accredit the complementary resources, issued by an authorized financial entity.
  • In the case of complementary resources represented in programmed savings, the certificate issued by the entity where they are deposited and immobilized must be presented. In the case of contractual programmed savings linked to a favorable credit evaluation in the same entity, a certification issued by the same entity must be submitted, stating compliance with the contractual programmed savings and the approval of the credit with which the home will be acquired. If the previous savings is in layoffs, you must present a certificate of immobilization of these with value and validity of 30 days. In all cases, the date of immobilization of said previous savings must be registered.
  • When the previous savings is represented in an initial fee, you must attach a certificate from the construction company signed by the fiscal auditor and the legal representative or trust certification. Both documents must record the amount paid, the date of the first payment and/or payment receipts or consignments and with an issue date of no more than 30 days.
  • In the case of complementary resources originating from donations from Non-Governmental Organizations and national or international public or private entities, or in the case of solidarity economic contributions in Popular Housing Organizations, the availability must be certified by the Legal Representative and the Statutory Auditor. of the respective entity. In the case of complementary resources represented in land, the certification will be the certificate of tradition with no more than thirty (30) days of issue.
  • In the case of subsidies or municipal or departmental contributions, you must present certification of its existence issued by the competent local authority in each case.
  • Photocopy of the citizenship card of those over 18 years of age.
  • Authorization to verify the information provided for the subsidy application and acceptance to be automatically excluded from the subsidy application system if it is verified that the information provided does not correspond to the truth.
  • Medical certificate proving the physical or mental disability of any of the household members, when applicable.
  • Original certificate of income from the company where you work, applies to dependent workers.
  • Certification of the public accountant or certification of provision of services in case of being an independent worker.
  • Pension resolution for pensioners.

Requirements to enroll in the construction program on your own site or home improvement

  • Photocopies of the ID of the Head of Household and his family group (Older age).

  • Photocopy of the deed of sale or certification of holder given by the Mayor.

  • Original of the current certificate of tradition.

  • Property tax receipt (Includes cadastral appraisal, owner's name and being up to date).

  • Original of the certificate of No High Risk

  • Original and 1 copy of the demarcation line (Planning Office).

  • Current labor letter (Of all the adults of the family group).

  • Photocopy of public service receipts for improvement or availability of services for CSP (aqueduct, sewerage and energy).

In the case of improvement, the house must present the following basic deficiencies

  • Deficiencies in the main structure, foundations, walls or roof.

  • Lack of or outdated household connections for public aqueduct, sewerage and electricity services.

  • Lack or oldness of bathrooms and / or kitchen.

  • Existence of ground floors or inappropriate materials.

  • Construction in temporary materials such as cans, asphalt cloth and waste wood.

Requirements to apply for the family subsidy for housing in rural areas

  • Having formed a family or individual group.

  • One of the applicants must be affiliated with the Comfenalco Valle Delagente Compensation Fund.

  • None of the members of the Home may be the owner of a property other than the property for which you are making your application.

  • The home or land must be free of domain limitations, resolution conditions, embargoes or encumbrances.

  • None could have previously been a beneficiary of a family housing subsidy from a Family Compensation Fund, Inurbe, Forec, Agrarian Bank or ICT credit, etc.

  • The income of the family group cannot exceed 4 SMMLV.

  • Have previous savings that can be in the modalities of: programmed savings account, immobilized layoffs or lot of land (in the case of construction on your own site), which must be duly certified.

Subsidy validity

  • The social interest housing subsidies assigned by the Family Compensation Funds before the month of August 2019 will be valid for twelve (12) calendar months, counted from the first day of the month following the date of publication of their assignment and They may be extended by agreement issued by their respective Board of Directors, for a period not exceeding twelve (12) months, extendable for a maximum of twelve (12) months. further.

  • The social interest housing subsidies assigned by the Family Compensation Funds from the month of August 2019 onwards will be valid for thirty-six (36) calendar months from the first day of the month following the date of publication. of their assignment and may be extended by agreement issued by their respective Board of Directors, for a period not exceeding twenty-four (24) more months.

Payment of the family housing subsidy

  • The certificate of tradition and freedom of the property in original, with a validity of no more than 30 days, which allows evidence of the acquisition of the house by the applicant household (in any case, the offeror will be responsible for the development of the activities necessary for the due registration of the public deed in the corresponding real estate registration folio).

  • Copy of the document that certifies the allocation of the family housing subsidy, with authorization to collect from the beneficiary.

  • Certificate of existence and satisfactory receipt of the dwelling, specifying that it complies with the conditions indicated in the application and in the corresponding assignment, duly signed by the offeror and by the beneficiary of the subsidy or by whoever has been authorized by him for such purposes.

  • Payment of the subsidies assigned by the Compensation Funds will be made within a maximum period of 15 business days, once the beneficiary household meets the requirements and these are verified.

Information of interest