Requirements and conditions to access the family subsidy

Requirements and conditions to access the family subsidy

You are entitled to the family subsidy in money for your dependents, for a given month, if:

Your employer has timely paid parafiscal contributions through the Integrated Contribution Settlement Form, PILA.

Your employer has timely enrolled you and your family group. 

Their monthly, fixed or variable remuneration does not exceed four (4) current legal monthly minimum wages.

You worked at least 96 hours per month or the equivalent of 12 days.

Added your income with that of your spouse or partner, they do not exceed six (6) current legal monthly minimum wages.

His orphaned children and siblings, between the ages of 12 and 18, have timely and periodically submitted the officially approved establishment schooling certificate.

Their parents are over 60 years of age, economically dependent on the worker and do not receive any income, salary or pension.

You can also affiliate your family group in the Virtual Branch.