Labor Technicians

At Comfenalco Valle Delagente we have excellent technical labor training, administrative programs and technical courses at the level of the best institutes in Valle del Cauca. Prepare yourself as an Administrative Assistant, Logistics Technician and in many more courses. Know our offer.


602 886 2727

Calle 5 No. 6-63 Tower C

good luck

602 240 3000

Calle 4 No. 4-28


602 886 2727

Calle 31 No. 29-54


602 236 3391
Race 16 No. 6-68


602 226 2656
Race 31 No. 26-36


602 214 4057
Calle 13 No. 1N-51

Comfenalco Valle Delagente is committed to protecting minors from all types of exploitation and sexual violence (Article 16, Law 679 of 2001). Ministry of the Environment, Housing and Territorial Development, entity that sets social housing policies.