Youth Leadership School “Oportunidades Delagente”. 

Alliance between Transmission of the Bogotá Energy Group and the Family Compensation Fund Comfenalco Valle Delagente.

Strengthen the capacities for political advocacy of young people in formal instances of participation. Empower the participants in their individual, sociopolitical and community dimensions, promoting significant changes in them.

$80,000,000 Eighty Million Pesos M/CTE

100 young people between 14 and 28 years old.

  • Mayors of the municipalities of Tuluá, Andalucía, Candelaria and Buga.
  • Simón Bolívar Educational Institution of Cartago
  • Educational Institution Eleázar Booksellers of Andalusia
  • La Marina de Tuluá Educational Institution
  • Buga Agricultural Educational Institution

March 2022.

November 2022.

  • Training and capacity building for political advocacy of approximately 100 young people.
  • Formulation by young people of political advocacy plans related to peasant markets (Cartago), leadership training (Tuluá), increased youth participation (Andalusia) and higher education (Candelaria).

Young people from the age of 14, students from the municipalities of Cartago, Tuluá, Andalucía, Candelaria and Buga, Councilors and members of the Municipal Youth Platforms.