Generation of income for the displaced population relocated to a large paddock

Generation of income for the displaced population relocated to a large paddock

The project "Contribution to Comprehensive Care and Income Generation for 150 families displaced from the urban area of the municipality of Santiago de Cali" is the result of the proposal presented by the Comfenalco Valle Family Compensation Fund, within the framework of the Fomipyme - OIM call from the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, through the Micro and Small Business Support Fund - Fomipyme and the financing of USAID resources through the International Organization for Migration - OIM.

This project becomes the main tool for technical and financial cooperation, which seeks to generate cultural, social and economic transformations for 150 families in conditions of displacement and vulnerability, located in the Potrero Grande urbanization in the city of Santiago de Cali, through the development of income-generating projects that improve living conditions.

With this initiative, the economic conditions, social and coexistence practices of 713 people in conditions of displacement and vulnerability are improved, through the implementation of a business development and income generation program for 150 families in the urban area of the municipality of Santiago de Cali Valle del Cauca.

  • Provide tools to strengthen social and personal skills, leading them to a process that allows them to resignify their current situation and visualize an opportunity for change and growth.
  • Define occupational alternatives to be implemented in 50 productive units, through processes of awareness, characterization, evaluation of competencies, design of the management plan and business development.
  • Strengthen the business development of 100 existing productive units, promoting their administrative and commercial management.

The project will directly benefit 713 people grouped into 150 families of socioeconomic strata 1 and 2, located in Potrero Grande and surrounding areas willing to implement a productive project.

The project will be executed for 15 months, starting in August 2009, in the Potrero Grande urbanization.

  • Strategic line 1. Human training for development. In order to strengthen and create adequate spaces for participation and coexistence, training activities are planned to help beneficiaries appropriate their human dimension and recognize themselves as members of a community, and identify an opportunity of change and growth.
  • Strategic line 2. Comprehensive training for entrepreneurship and the strengthening of productive units. Strengthen the entrepreneurial capacity of the beneficiaries and facilitate the formation of new enterprises and the strengthening of existing productive projects for the generation of self-employment.
  • Strategic line 3. Establishment and monitoring of business projects. Accompaniment for the establishment of income generation projects, during the implementation of the business program and carrying out the established evaluation processes.
InstitutionContribution value in pesos
Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism – Fomipyme$ 200.892.513
USAID-IOM$ 229.322.113
Comfenalco Valley$ 40.741.600
Total value of the project$ 470.956.226