Deyra Quiñones

Life story Deyra Quiñones


Contribution to comprehensive care and income generation for 150 families displaced from the urban area of the municipality of Cali.

I come from a town of Barbacoa (Nariño), called Magüi, bordered by the Patía, it is a mighty river, I remember that at that time I spent all my time fishing or hunting; mice, armadillo and all kinds of animals. It was not like now and in the city that is only chemical, there one fished and then ate the fresh fish. I remember the water, I always remember that one could wash clothes with a lot of water and it would run, it was not like here in the city where everything is measured and you have to wash with a little water.

I lived with my mother and my family who are also from Barbacoa, from the town of Magüí, we all hunted, we ate the animals we found, we got together. I got married and came here, then I separated, my mother drowned in Patía and I went back to Magüí, my husband was threatened because he had someone else and they told the paramilitaries and they started looking for him, he left and I thought that they were not going to say anything to me, but they began to ask about the woman and that they were going to kill us, my sister called me and told me "Deyra, get out of here", I had to take out only what I had in the hand, not even a spoon, which is the smallest thing and get out of there, they told me that they didn't even leave the roof of my house, everything, absolutely everything, was stolen.

It's painful because all my life I was there. So I started again and now I said how I am going to survive and I began to think about what my mother had taught me, the threads and sewing and I began to make my baskets, so I began to show and I met more artisans and now many They know me and I can get ahead.

Now I belong to a theater group of the Mask, I dance, sing and do my crafts, with my family I have supported myself and my children teach them and they also make belts and other crafts. Now my dream is to help other women, I don't care how old they are or the experience, I think that no one is born learned but rather comes to learn and I want to teach my art so that other people can get ahead like me.

I thank the OIM and Comfenalco for the project, for taking me into account and including me, they do not know how much they have helped me, I have my workshop and some machines but to make the lines I needed the sewing machine that they have given me in the project, as well as fabrics and material for my handicrafts that I sell every day. I thank you for listening to me, for teaching me, for being a better person, for overcoming problems, managing my business and so that I can help others to get ahead in the future.