Requirements for the affiliation of the worker and his family

Requirements for the affiliation of the worker and his family

Learn here all the mandatory documents for the affiliation of workers and their family group of beneficiaries, to the Family Subsidy System in the Compensation Funds in Colombia.

What documents do I need to join Comfenalco Valle Delagente?

Identification documents in Colombia:

From 0-6 years
Birth certificate.

from 7 to 17 years
Identity card.

From 18 years
Citizenship card.

dependent worker:

  • Membership Form.
  • Copy of the worker's identity document or the valid identification document for foreigners.

Spouse or Permanent Partner:

  • Copy of the identity document of the spouse or permanent partner or valid identification document for foreigners.
  • Marriage civil registry or Sworn Declaration Form issued by the Ministry of Labor, for the permanent partner.
  • In the event that the spouse or permanent partner works, attach a labor certificate with earned salary. 
  • In the event that the permanent partner is a pensioner, attach a certificate of the pension allowance.
  • For the spouse or permanent partner of the same sex, the same documents must be presented.


  • Civil registration
  • Accreditation of schooling for beneficiaries from 12 years of age.
  • Sworn statement Mintrabajo.


  • Civil registration.
  • Accreditation of schooling for beneficiaries from 12 years of age.
  • Certificate from the Health Promotion Entity -EPS that accredits the unified family group or that custody is in the head of the father or mother who brings it to the home.
  • Custody*.
  • Statement stating that the biological father or mother does not live with the beneficiary, does not receive a family subsidy in money from him or her, and is not affiliated with another Family Compensation Fund. 
  • In the event that the biological father has died, attach the civil death record

Siblings without parents:

  • Civil Registry of birth of the member and the sibling
  • Civil registry of death of the father and mother.
  • Accreditation of schooling for beneficiaries from 12 years of age.
  • Sworn statement format issued by the Ministry of Labor stating the economic dependency.


  • Photocopy of the identity document of the father and/or mother or the valid identification document for foreigners.
  • Civil Registry of Birth of the worker.
  • Sworn Declaration Format from the Ministry of Labor where economic dependency is evidenced and it is declared that the father and/or mother does not receive a pension, salary, or income.
  • EPS certificate stating the type of affiliation as beneficiary of the worker.For parents under 60 years of age, the same documents must be presented. (Applies to parents with disabilities) 
  • If the father or mother is affiliated with the Subsidized Health Regime, they can be the worker's beneficiary and receive a monetary contribution.


  • The worker must prove the disability of their beneficiaries

Custody Dependency

  • Civil Registry of birth of the beneficiary.
  • Identity document of the beneficiary or the valid identification document for foreigners.
  • Custody document**.
  • Accreditation of schooling for beneficiaries from 12 years of age.

Membership form

find the Single Affiliation Form to the Family Subsidy Regime on the application forms page, click the following button:

Trabajador Independiente:

  • Membership Form.
  • Copy of the worker's identity document or the valid identification document for foreigners.

Spouse or Permanent Partner:

  • Copy of the identity document of the spouse or permanent partner or valid identification document for foreigners.
  • Copy of the marriage civil registry (if they are married).
  • Declaración juramentada (si conviven en unión libre).
  • Certificado de la empresa donde labora el cónyuge o compañero(a), con salario y Caja de Compensación Familiar a la que está afiliado.

*Nota: For the spouse or permanent partner of the same sex, the same documents must be presented.


  • Copy of the civil birth certificate, to demonstrate kinship with the worker.
  • Copia del documento de identidad (mayores de 18 años con discapacidad ).
  • Declaración juramentada.


  • Civil registration.
  • Copia del documento de identidad (mayores de 18 años con discapacidad ).
  • Certificate from the Health Promotion Entity -EPS that accredits the unified family group or that custody is in the head of the father or mother who brings it to the home.
  • Custodia *
  • Statement stating that the biological father or mother does not live with the beneficiary, does not receive a family subsidy in money from him or her, and is not affiliated with another Family Compensation Fund. 
  • En caso que el padre biológico haya fallecido anexar registro civil de defunción.

Hermanos(as) huérfanos de padres (deben ser huérfanos de ambos padres):

  • Copy of the birth certificate of the worker and his brother, to demonstrate kinship.
  • Copia del documento de identidad (mayores de 18 años con discapacidad ).
  • Copy of the civil death records of both parents.
  • Declaración juramentada.


  • Copy of the worker's civil birth certificate, to demonstrate kinship with the parents.
  • Copia del documento de identidad de cada uno de los padres.
  • Declaración juramentada, donde indique la dependencia económica del o los padres, y no recibir salario, pensión o renta alguna.
  • Certificado de EPS donde conste el tipo de afiliación como beneficiario del trabajador. Para los padres menores de 60 años, se debe presentar los mismos documentos.(Aplica para padres con discapacidad) 
  • Si el padre o la madre se encuentra afiliado al Régimen Subsidiado en Salud puede ser beneficiario del trabajador.

Hijos, hijastros, hermanos y padres con discapacidad (sin limitación de la edad):

  • Certificate of disability or reduced physical capacity that prevents them from working, issued by the competent entity.

Custody Dependency

Es el beneficiario menor de 18 años, o mayores de 18 años en condición de discapacidad, que es entregado al afiliado para su cuidado y sostenimiento económico. La entrega puede ser provisional o permanente y debe constar en el documento emitido por autoridad competente.

Si el trabajador cumple con los requisitos establecidos en la norma, podrá ser acreedor del derecho a subsidio familiar en dinero.

Custodia: Es el oficio o función mediante el cual se tiene poder para criar, educar, orientar, conducir, formar hábitos, dirigir y disciplinar la conducta, siempre con la mira puesta en el niño, niña y/o adolescente, en el educando, en el incapaz de obrar y auto regular en forma independiente su comportamiento.

¿Quién la expide? La custodia debe ser expedida por la correspondiente autoridad competente, ya sea ICBF, notarios, centros de conciliación debidamente autorizados, defensoría del pueblo, personería, jueces de paz, juzgado de familia, juez civil o promiscuo municipal y, en ausencia de estos, el inspector de policía.

Membership form

find the Single Affiliation Form to the Family Subsidy Regime on the application forms page, click the following button:


  • Membership Form.
  • Copy of the worker's identity document or the valid identification document for foreigners.

Spouse or Permanent Partner:

  • Copy of the identity document of the spouse or permanent partner or valid identification document for foreigners.
  • Copy of the marriage civil registry (if they are married).
  • Declaración juramentada (si conviven en unión libre).
  • Certificado de la empresa donde labora el cónyuge o compañero(a), con salario y Caja de Compensación Familiar a la que está afiliado.

*Nota: For the spouse or permanent partner of the same sex, the same documents must be presented.


  • Copy of the civil birth certificate, to demonstrate kinship with the worker.
  • Copia del documento de identidad (mayores de 18 años con discapacidad ).
  • Declaración juramentada.


  • Civil registration.
  • üCopia del documento de identidad (mayores de 18 años con discapacidad ).
  • Certificate from the Health Promotion Entity -EPS that accredits the unified family group or that custody is in the head of the father or mother who brings it to the home.
  • Custodia*
  • Statement stating that the biological father or mother does not live with the beneficiary, does not receive a family subsidy in money from him or her, and is not affiliated with another Family Compensation Fund. 
  • En caso que el padre biológico haya fallecido anexar registro civil de defunción.

Custody Dependency

Es el beneficiario menor de 18 años, o mayores de 18 años en condición de discapacidad, que es entregado al afiliado para su cuidado y sostenimiento económico. La entrega puede ser provisional o permanente y debe constar en el documento emitido por autoridad competente.

Si el trabajador cumple con los requisitos establecidos en la norma, podrá ser acreedor del derecho a subsidio familiar en dinero.

Custodia: Es el oficio o función mediante el cual se tiene poder para criar, educar, orientar, conducir, formar hábitos, dirigir y disciplinar la conducta, siempre con la mira puesta en el niño, niña y/o adolescente, en el educando, en el incapaz de obrar y auto regular en forma independiente su comportamiento.

¿Quién la expide? La custodia debe ser expedida por la correspondiente autoridad competente, ya sea ICBF, notarios, centros de conciliación debidamente autorizados, defensoría del pueblo, personería, jueces de paz, juzgado de familia, juez civil o promiscuo municipal y, en ausencia de estos, el inspector de policía.

Membership form

find the Single Affiliation Form to the Family Subsidy Regime on the application forms page, click the following button: