affiliate categories

affiliate categories

The Family Compensation Funds have four categories that regulate the rates of the services that are presented to affiliates and non-affiliates in Colombia.

According to the monthly wage income of the affiliated worker, it is classified as follows:

Category A

It is for workers, and their family group, whose salary income ranges from one (1) to two (2) current legal monthly minimum wages.

Category B

In this category are the workers, and their family group, whose basic salary is between (2) and four (4) current legal monthly minimum wages.

Category C

Identifies the workers and their family group whose basic salary exceeds the current legal monthly minimum wage (4).

Category D

In this category are individuals and their family group, that is, those not affiliated with the Compensation Fund.

Family group

Affiliated workers can affiliate their family group to access the services of the Compensation Fund.

Current Minimum Legal Monthly Wage (SMLMV)

SMLMV for 2023


Current Minimum Legal Monthly Wage (SMLMV)

Salary range

Salary range in pesos

Category A

Category B

Category C

From 1 to 2 SMLMV

From 2 to 4 SMLMV

More than 4 SMLMV

From $1,160,000 to $2,320,000

$2.320.001 to $4.640.000

$4.640.001 onwards

SMLMV: Minimum Legal Monthly Wage in force