Independent workers affiliation

Independent workers affiliation

He independent worker It is defined as any natural person who carries out an activity at his own risk and expense, and does not have a labor relationship with an employer. At Comfenalco Valle Delagente, you can enroll yourself and your dependent family group.

The Freelance Contractor, is that person who has a contract for the provision of services with a public or private entity, but directly pays their social security (health, pension, ARL, etc.).

What is the payment of contributions that must be made to the Compensation Fund as an Independent or Contractor?

To register with Comfenalco Valle Delagente, you have 2 payment options:

  • If you contribute 2% on the value of your IBC (contribution base income), you will have the right to enjoy all the Services of the Compensation Fund except for the monetary fee and financial credit.
  • In the event that you contribute 0.6% on the value of your IBC (contribution base income), you will have the right to Training, Recreation and Social Tourism services, this contribution does not include the benefit of monetary quota and financial credit.


What is the IBC? The Base Contribution Income is the percentage on which the payment to the Compensation Fund is settled monthly. For example, if your IBC is on a minimum salary ($1,160,000) and you decide to pay contributions of 0.6%, you will pay $6,960 per month and if you do it under the 2% of your IBC, you will pay $23,200 per month

independent affiliation

1. Membership form, duly completed physically or digitally.
2. Membership request letter. This must indicate the date from which you want to be affiliated.
3. Photocopy of your identity document on both sides on a single sheet.​​​
4. EPS affiliation certificate not older than 30 days, issued by the corresponding entity that accredits the type of affiliation as Independent.
5. Certificate of affiliation to the Pension Fund not older than 30 days, issued by the corresponding entity.
6. Certificate of peace and safe of disaffiliation, in case of having had a previous affiliation to another Compensation Fund in Valle del Cauca.
7. In case of affiliating beneficiaries, you must attach the Sworn Declaration format as appropriate.
8. Send the documents to the mail of


  • Copy of identity card (under 18 years of age).
  • Copy of the citizenship card or foreigner's card (over 18 years of age).


  • Copy of identity card (under 18 years of age).
  • Copy of the citizenship card or foreigner's card (over 18 years of age).
  • Copy of the marriage civil registry (if they are married).
  • Sworn statement of the affiliation form (if they live in a free union).
  • Certificate of the company where the spouse or partner works, with salary and Fund to which they are affiliated.

Children / Stepchildren:

  • Copy of the civil birth certificate, to demonstrate kinship with the worker.
  • Copy of identity card (under 18 years of age).
  • Copy of the citizenship card or foreigner's card (over 18 years of age).
  • Sworn statement of the affiliation form, confirming whether or not he receives a family subsidy for the step-child(ies), by another Compensation Fund.
  • Original certificate of schooling for the current year, issued by an educational establishment, officially approved (over 12 years of age).

Siblings (must be orphans of both parents):

  • Copy of the birth certificate of the worker and his brother, to demonstrate kinship.
  • Copy of identity card (under 18 years of age).
  • Copy of the citizenship card or foreigner's card (over 18 years of age).
  • Copy of the civil death records of both parents.
  • Sworn statement of the affiliation form, where it indicates the economic dependence of the brother.
  • Original certificate of schooling for the current year, issued by an educational establishment, officially approved (over 12 years of age).

Parents (must be financially dependent on the worker and not receive any salary, pension or rent):

  • Copy of the worker's civil birth certificate, to demonstrate kinship with the parents.
  • Copy of the citizenship card or immigration card.
  • Sworn statement of the affiliation form, indicating the economic dependence of the parent or parents, and not receiving any salary, pension or income.

Disabled children, stepchildren, siblings and parents (no age limitation):

  • Certificate of disability or reduced physical capacity that prevents them from working, issued by the competent entity.

Independent Contractors Membership

1. Membership form, duly completed physically or digitally.
2. Membership request letter. This must indicate the date from which you want to be affiliated.
3. Photocopy of your identity document on both sides on a single sheet.​​​
4. EPS affiliation certificate not older than 30 days, issued by the corresponding entity that accredits the type of affiliation as Independent.
5. Certificate of affiliation to the Pension Fund not older than 30 days, issued by the corresponding entity.
6. Photocopy of the contract for the provision of services.
7. Certificate of peace and safe of disaffiliation, in case of having had a previous affiliation to another Compensation Fund in Valle del Cauca.
8. In case of affiliating beneficiaries, you must attach the Sworn Declaration format as appropriate.
9. Send the documents to the mail of


  • Copy of identity card (under 18 years of age).
  • Copy of the citizenship card or foreigner's card (over 18 years of age).


  • Copy of identity card (under 18 years of age).
  • Copy of the citizenship card or foreigner's card (over 18 years of age).
  • Copy of the marriage civil registry (if they are married).
  • Sworn statement of the affiliation form (if they live in a free union).
  • Certificate of the company where the spouse or partner works, with salary and Fund to which they are affiliated.

Children / Stepchildren:

  • Copy of the civil birth certificate, to demonstrate kinship with the worker.
  • Copy of identity card (under 18 years of age).
  • Copy of the citizenship card or foreigner's card (over 18 years of age).
  • Sworn statement of the affiliation form, confirming whether or not he receives a family subsidy for the step-child(ies), by another Compensation Fund.
  • Original certificate of schooling for the current year, issued by an educational establishment, officially approved (over 12 years of age).

Siblings (must be orphans of both parents):

  • Copy of the birth certificate of the worker and his brother, to demonstrate kinship.
  • Copy of identity card (under 18 years of age).
  • Copy of the citizenship card or foreigner's card (over 18 years of age).
  • Copy of the civil death records of both parents.
  • Sworn statement of the affiliation form, where it indicates the economic dependence of the brother.
  • Original certificate of schooling for the current year, issued by an educational establishment, officially approved (over 12 years of age).

Parents (must be financially dependent on the worker and not receive any salary, pension or rent):

  • Copy of the worker's civil birth certificate, to demonstrate kinship with the parents.
  • Copy of the citizenship card or immigration card.
  • Sworn statement of the affiliation form, indicating the economic dependence of the parent or parents, and not receiving any salary, pension or income.

Disabled children, stepchildren, siblings and parents (no age limitation):

  • Certificate of disability or reduced physical capacity that prevents them from working, issued by the competent entity.