Recreational Centers

We invite you to visit our recreational, sports and vacation centers in different municipalities of Valle del Cauca, such as Cali, Palmira, Buga, Tuluá, Buenaventura and Cartago.

You will find adequate facilities for directed recreation, and all the services for your rest and well-being. The Family Compensation Fund has developed its recreation and sports centers, thinking about the functionality, tastes and comfort of all its visitors.


We inform all affiliates that it is mandatory to present the card or digital certificate of vaccination against Covid-19, where the complete vaccination schedule is evidenced, minimum 2 doses, as an entry requirement for all events registered here. This law is in force as of December 14, 2021 for those over 18 years of age and from December 28, 2021 for those over 12 years of age. The population between 0 and 12 years of age is excepted from this measure. Decree 1615 of November 30, 2021. We will wait for you!

Buy the integral Passport or the day pass through
of our web APP Comfenalco Valle Delagente.

We have all biosecurity protocols