Receive your monetary family allowance quickly and easily.

Request your Kupi payment method from the Virtual Branch, by our line (602) 8862727 and free national 018000938585, by email or at our service points.

Consult the establishments where you can redeem it.

Come to any of the
establishments with your identity document and have your cell phone handy. And ready!

Download in the application store of your operating system:

If you want to check your balance or movements, download the Comfenalco Valle Delagente – Kupi application and enter with the temporary password sent via SMS or email.

Download in the application store of your operating system:

If you want to check your balance or movements, download the Kupi – Comfenalco Valle Delagente application and enter with the temporary password sent via SMS or Mail.


If you are a member of the Compensation Fund and receive Monetary Family Subsidy, you can withdraw it with the Kupi payment method. Easy, fast and safe!

If you want to check your balance or movements, download the Comfenalco Valle Delagente – Kupi application and enter with the temporary password sent via SMS or email.

Redeem your Monetary Family Subsidy in any of the more than 3,000 allied agreements available.

Take control of your balance and payment dates from your Comfenalco Valle - Kupi app.

Mr. Affiliate beneficiary, consume the family subsidy within three (3) years
so that the right does not prescribe – Article 6 Law 21 of 1982.