Affiliate rights and duties

Affiliate rights and duties

Find out here the rights and duties of members of the Family Compensation Funds In colombia:


Receive treatment with kindness, honesty and respect for their human dignity and equality without discrimination for social, racial, economic and ideological reasons, as well as the protection of honor, reputation and private and family life.

Receive a service with quality and safety standards in the established times and conditions, within an adequate infrastructure.

Freely access an offer of products and services according to the rate corresponding to its category.

Receive clear, timely, truthful, updated and complete information on the benefits, products and services offered to the affiliate, user and their family, through the different means enabled by the Fund.

Receive information on the rules, regulations and policies of the Compensation Fund and the Family Subsidy System.

Know the procedure to join your family group, complying with the requirements and conditions established by law and receive an identification that accredits you as a member.

Access the monetary and service subsidy, granted by the Family Compensation Fund for its beneficiaries, in accordance with the parameters of the law in force, as long as you have provided the evidence that proves you as a beneficiary, as well as the special subsidy for beneficiaries with disabilities .

Receive an extraordinary death subsidy in the event of the death of a person in charge of the beneficiary worker, equivalent to 12 installments of family subsidy; Dependents in the event of the death of the beneficiary worker also have the right.

Apply for the housing subsidy as long as you meet the legal requirements.

Apply for unemployment benefits, if you become unemployed and meet the legal requirements.

Submit requests, complaints, claims, congratulations and suggestions, and obtain a timely response within the times established for each service.

Access the competent authorities and estates for the protection of their rights.

Guarantee that the personal and business information provided to the Fund is handled with responsibility and corresponding confidentiality.

Receive preferential care in the case of populations included in the following groups: older adults, pregnant women, the disabled, and people with children in their arms.

Continue enjoying the Caja's Training, Recreation and Social Tourism services, with the lowest rate that it has contemplated, for pensioners who for 25 years were linked to the Family Subsidy System.

Request compensation in the event of not receiving the service in accordance with the conditions offered or having a negative experience in the provision of services that are the responsibility of the Family Compensation Fund.

To exercise the right of petition free of charge and without the need for a proxy. 

To submit requests, queries, applications, complaints or claims, verbally, in writing or by any other appropriate means established by the Family Compensation Fund.

To be informed about the management carried out regarding your request. 

To be received as a priority requests for recognition of a fundamental right.

To demand compliance with the responsibilities of the collaborators of the Family Compensation Fund.

To exercise any other right recognized by the Constitution and the laws. 


Act in accordance with the principle of good faith, refraining from using false statements or documents to prove their rights against the Compensation Fund.

Affiliate your family nucleus in a timely manner (spouse and children, parents and/or siblings who prove rights), presenting a duly completed affiliation form, without amendments, with true, clear and complete information, attaching current, legible documents required by law.

Update the documents required by law on the dates established by the Fund, in order to cause the right to the monetary subsidy

Carry the virtual document that accredits you as a member of the Comfenaco Valle Delagente Family Compensation Fund and present it each time you use the services, which is personal and non-transferable.

Update the data whenever necessary in a complete, truthful, clear and timely manner and inform the news of both the affiliation holder and his family nucleus, which affects his status as a beneficiary.

Know the portfolio of services offered by the Compensation Fund, through the different communication channels that are available for this purpose

Stay informed about the procedures, access conditions and restrictions associated with the use of the Caja's services.

Know and comply with the rules, procedures and regulations established by the Fund for the provision of services and access to them.

Make good use of the facilities, goods and services of the Fund, following the indications, policies, rules, regulations and conditions of use. Take care of the facilities, prevent or report damage, inconvenience, breakdowns or any type of harm.

Timely and fully pay for the products and services purchased, according to the conditions established in each of the services.

Treat with dignity, respect and consideration the human personnel who attend you, as well as other users and their families, complying with the rules of coexistence and regulations for the use of the services established by the Fund.

Abide by the constitution and laws.

Exercise your rights responsibly, and refrain from reiterating obviously inappropriate requests to prevent new requests filed from becoming permanent reiterations that affect the processing times and the agility of response thereof.

Timely deliver the corresponding information to facilitate the identification of your procedure, request or need.

Request, in a timely and respectful manner, documents and/or services.

The dependencies of the Family Compensation Fund work together and are aimed at strengthening the relationship between citizens and the administration; They take care of receiving and managing each one of your queries, requests, petitions, complaints or claims, always committed to solving each requirement within the times established by law.