
At Comfenalco Valle delagente we have programs and services for the benefit and positive social impact of our affiliated companies and their workers.

Education and culture

Benefits in Education

COMFENALCO VALLE DEL AGENT will not be responsible for the damages and/or losses suffered by THE (THE) USER (A) as a cause of the actions, actions and/or omissions that occurred during the execution of the object of the class / tutorial or activity that is taught with the videos mentioned, nor does it assume any guarantee about the results or lack of results in their practice. THE (THE) USER (A) guarantees and undertakes to develop the activities within their own capacities, acting with due care, under their own responsibility and taking the pertinent precautions for each activity, for which they must verify that they are in good condition. of health suitable for the practice of physical activities and/or that has the necessary and/or adequate elements to carry out the virtual activity that they intend to do, participating freely and voluntarily.

Transversal Training

Library benefits for collaborators


Short workshops to remember significant learning experiences, compressed into 1 hour. We combine traditional talk with a practical methodology.
Modality: Onsite.
Quota: 30 participants.
Date: By company request.

yoga workshop

Body Expression Workshop

origami workshop

Mandala Workshop

lego granja

lego farm

bring out the soft skills of the participants, as well as the strengthening of teamwork and a decrease in stress levels caused by the activities carried out in the workplace.
Target audiences: Over 18.
Quota: 30 participants.
Date: By company request.

Benefits in the library for family of collaborators


  • The proposals can be adapted to dictate from a talk of at least 2 hours, except the themes of the Technology and English axis
  • Maximum 30 people per group in the Continuous Training Axes.
  • We are able to develop themes tailored to the needs of the company.
  • Includes Certificate of attendance for trainings that are longer than 4 hours and for participants who meet at least the 80% attendance.
  • Includes displacement of our trainer within the urban perimeter of Cali.
  • If the place of training is outside the urban perimeter of Cali, it must be notified, because this increases the cost of training.

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