business affiliation

business affiliation

Family Compensation Fund

By joining the Comfenalco Valle Delagente Compensation Fund as an employer, you allow your workers and their families to enjoy all the benefits and services we have for them.

Our services:

monetary fee

Education and culture

041 - Home Insurance DocumentsCreated with Sketch.

living place

and sports



Employment agency.



Legal entity employer affiliation

  1. Employer affiliation form, duly completed physically or digitally.
  2. Copy of the Chamber of Commerce certificate (not more than 1 month old) for a legal person, or the equivalent document that replaces it.
    • Consortium: Duly signed consortium agreement.
    • Non-profit entity: Copy of the legal status.
    • Temporary Unions: Duly signed temporary union agreement.
    • Municipalities and territorial entities: Decree of creation.
    • Catholic Church: Representation issued by the Archdiocese.
    • Non-Catholic communities or churches: resolution recognizing legal status issued by the Ministry of the Interior.
    • Unions and associations that affiliate to social security collectively: copy of the authorization resolution issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.
    • Associated work cooperatives, in addition to the certification of existence, must attach: Copy of the statutes stating the faculty of affiliation to the Family Compensation Fund and Copy of the resolution issued by the Ministry of Labor through which the compensation regime was approved and associated work.
  3. Copy of the RUT (Not more than 30 days).
  4. Copy of the citizenship card of the employer and/or legal representative.
  5. List of workers, indicating the number of IDs, names and salaries.
  6. Certificate of peace and save, in the case of previous affiliation to another compensation fund in Valle del Cauca.

Natural person employer affiliation

These are the requirements that any person or entity that has at least one permanent worker under their charge must meet:

  1. Employer affiliation form, duly completed physically or digitally.
  2. Copy of the RUT (Not more than 30 days).
  3. Copy of the citizenship card of the employer and/or legal representative.
  4. List of workers (indicating the ID number, name and salary).
  5. Certificate of peace and save, in the case of previous affiliation to another compensation fund in Valle del Cauca.

Contact our team

Business affiliation Compensation Fund

clarena barros

Corporate Executive

Jannat Ramirez

Corporate Executive

Lucia del Pilar Ospina

Corporate Executive

Nelson Julian Garcia

Corporate Executive

Wilmer Palau

Corporate Executive

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Watch the video on how to sign up.

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